Sunday, August 16, 2009

love all, trust few, and do wrong to noone.

a good friend once told me,
"I believe that everything happens for a reason. People change so that you can learn to let go, Things go wrong so that you appreciate them when they're right, You believe lies so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself, and sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together."
I have never heard something so true.

for a person who is so used to always being right, it is very hard and painful for me to admit i was wrong.
people tried to tell me i was wrong, but because of my narcissism i didnt listen.
but now i realize that i was a fool.
i was a fool to believe.
to go against everything i had always known and to ignore my instincts.
that will never happen again.
i refuse to keep being made to look like an idiot.
i am so much better than that.
id get out, turn around, if only i knew i was dead wrong.
all along.

You are not the person i thought you were.
not at all.
i do not know you.
i do not know this horrible person.
but i will always long for that boy that i loved,
i will always love him,
and i will always miss him.
maybe some day we will meet again, in some form or another.

this aching and emptiness in my heart will never heal.
it is something i will just have to learn to live with.
and i will live.
i will live to show you that i can, to show everyone i can.
it will be a long and difficult road.
trying to get back to the way i was before i met you.
because i wish i had never met you.
but i will overcome some how.

i am a firm believer in karma.
i believed she would get what she deserved without your assistance.
but because you messed with karma, now you will get what you deserve.

and this time i cant promise i'll be there to help you.

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