Monday, February 2, 2009

Lets believe in something again..

Starts from the bottom and goes up (note times) :

From: Taylor June. Date: Apr 2, 2008 11:00 PM
your karisma (sp?hehe) helps me put my creativity to good use

instead of focusing on negative things, you help me focus on positive things
i like being colorful and standing outand its time for all the kids that are colorful to come out
im through taking crap from others and from myself
ive never cared for other peoples opinions other than the ones i love

and if they love me they will always support me

----------------- Original Message -----------------From: chelsea. Date: Apr 2, 2008 7:37 PM
you know what you inspire me to be outside of the box.

society demands black and white.
i consider us..colorful compared to them.
and i know we're not the only people like that.
i say we join forces with them and start revolution.
get people to listen to us.
lets not take crap from anyone.
your the only person that gets me.
i'd rather be different and looked down upon by my peers than to sit back and watch my dreams go down the drain because of what people think.

----------------- Original Message -----------------From: Taylor June. Date: Apr 2, 2008 10:30 PM

and no matter who you are, everyone feels the same emotions
and what is music but emotions with a beat?
youre the only person i can talk to about this stuff

everyone else is so small minded
life is hard, i know that as much as any 30 year old

but i refuse to think that when im older ill be living a normal life
people like us are meant for so much more
i will take no less than what i dream
id rather die in an adventure, than live in a normal life

----------------- Original Message -----------------From: chelsea. Date: Apr 2, 2008 7:18 PM
yeah cuz the whole world has one thing in common.

everywhere you go you're gonna here a different type of music.

i want to start a revolution

i want to prove to people that i can be somebody.
i want people to come up with a new type of music.

i dont want to be the average rock band.
i dont even want to be considered a rock star.

----------------- Original Message -----------------From: Taylor June. Date: Apr 2, 2008 10:11 PM
my life will simply not be complete unless i go on tour

hopefully with my own band
but even if that doesnt happen, i atleast want to be a guitar tech for a band and go on tour.
i want my name to be on the tips of kids fingers when they talk on message boards.

i want blogs written everytime i change my hair.
i want to be a successful business women

to show the world a girl can belong in the rock music industry on her own
i want to show the world music that could change their life

like the way music has changed mine
i want to make a culture
be the cause of a revolution.
i think music has the power to heal the soul.

i think it might even have the power to heal the world.

----------------- Original Message -----------------From: chelsea. Date: Apr 2, 2008 6:50 PM
i dont want to be famous i just want to tour.

i want a fan base. people that support what i do.
cuz god knows i dont get that at home.
and over all i mean i want to own my own business.

i want to be able to be known to where i can say to my friends who might have a record company,
hey listen to them they're good.
and i want to make a difference in some ones life.

thats what i want to do.
and music is like a stress reliever.
i want to be able to walk down the street and here someone singing a song of ours.

i want to be known.
i want to be a legend.

----------------- Original Message -----------------From: Taylor June. Date: Apr 2, 2008 9:41 PM
yeah tell me about it

why cant we be famous already?haha jk
im not in it for the money

i just want people to know my face when im gone=P

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