Thursday, September 11, 2008


I'm casually obsessed
and ive forgiven death
i am indifferent yet, i am a total wreck
I'm every cliche,
but i simply do it best.

as its clear in the title of this entire blogspot, i consider myself nothing but a cliche.
because really thats all i am.
but then again arent we all?

by trying to break free from all your ignorance i find myself becoming the most foolish of all.
i play your game to get ahead but end up in last place.

I am nothing but colorful paint on a blank canvas
sloppily put together to be created into a masterpiece
the thoughts, hopes, and dreams of another
a waste of time and tape.

i went to sleep a poet,and i woke up a fake.
fluorecent lights shine on and reveal all
nothing can hide, so im seeing you for the first time
some things should be kept in the dark.

so this is it.
we are nowhere, and its now.

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