Wednesday, April 8, 2009

so here i am, its in my hands

daily update on nothing:
(thoughts i had today at school)

I'm pissed cause Madi got kicked off the prom committee by Mrs. Duhon because she isnt "normal". Fuckdatshit. nobody is "normal", and all the girls shes trying to say are normal are all bitches and whores or dumb as dirt. except for Morgan and Rebecca ofcourse.

i am so sick of emo/scene kids. i mean if you want to dye your hair, get piercings, tattoos, dress a certain way, and listen to hard core music thats all fine and dandy. and trust me i love my friends that consider themselves "emo" or "scene". but i hate the ones that thats all they are. the ones that whine like bitches, or say "oh im soo original" when they look and act exactly like the other bitches they are with. i swear to god if i hear one more person say they are "original" im going to slap them. NO ONE IS ORIGINAL!!! everything we do or think is influenced by something else! i think thats my biggest pet peeve.

My god these people are idiots. Arrogant little wannabe losers. all of you are going no where in life and you know it. I will walk all over you.

i have a fascination with feminine looking guys, but i could never date them. Jackie and Anna like these guys like Bill (Tokio Hotel) and Kiro (Cinema Bizarre) who look and sound like straight girls. i just couldnt do it. i could make out with them, but i couldnt do more than that or date. it would be weird. i like feminine features though, which is i guess why i like hip bones so much.

Anna said i had a double chin.

i'd just like to say that.

i really wish i had an older brother.

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