Tuesday, November 25, 2008

No Subject;;

The world is boring. Everything is premeditated. Everything is the same. The wind blows, the river flows, the sun rises, the moon falls. Babies are born, People die. Year after year.......its the same.
Our paths are set from the day we are born. Our clock starts ticking backwards from the time we take our first breath. Somewhere along the line we got this crazy idea we have free will. This is gods little white lie. See god realized the world he created was boring. So he decided he would amuse himself. He decides to write a book. He gives it to the most simple human he can find and tells him to spread the word. In this book, he gives us the power of free will. Along with some rules he made up because he was bored. when the silly human finished spreading the word, the fun started to begin. For the next Billion years, god sat at his little easel and watched the world and painted. He snickered at the people who fought in his name, and the wars his little book caused. He splashed some red onto his convase. he laughed at all the rulers who thought they could control the earth. he splashed alittle gold. he chuckled at the dreaming anarchists who thought they could make a difference. he splashed a bit of blue.
On and on, god watches the earth and paints his picture. He watches everyone live there life, painting it what ever color looks pretty at the time. Until that person gets boring, then he paints over you, and moves on to his next 'work of art'.

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