Monday, August 11, 2008

kill the monster.

for the past 4 days i have experienced all kinds of sickness.
i wont let out the gruesome details, but needless to say i am very happy to be over it.

i wanted to make this somewhat philosophical but im just not in the mood
i think ill just update the world on my life since i havent in a few days.

well i just told you i was sick so thats taken care of.

school started last thursday
new school, same people.
i hate it.
not much more to be said other than trustworthy people are hard to come by.
and viciousness has become a virtue.

i lost my breaking dawn book and unless i get it back soon im going to die.
actually screw that, someone stole it
i am not that careless with my life.

im in this strange situation where im becoming more detached and yet becoming more involved at the same time.
hard to explain, maybe ill have details later.

i wish for things that are too unrealistic.
sometimes it breaks my heart
but i heal pretty fast.

1 comment:

Little Miss Savvy said...

i hate it too, i this world, and i hate people.