Sunday, September 28, 2008


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Alex Pardee.
Bringing my most beautiful nightmares to life since 1976

hopefully ill be getting his new book soon
im very excited

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

in loving memory...

Isn't it rich?
Are we a pair?
Me here at last on the ground,
You in mid-air.

Where are the clowns?

Isn't it bliss?
Don't you approve?
One who keeps tearing around,
One who can't move.

Where are the clowns?
Send in the clowns.

Just when I'd stopped opening doors,
Finally knowing the one that I wanted was yours....
Making my entrance again with my usual flair.

Sure of my lines...
No one is there....

Don't you love farce?
My fault, I fear.
I thought that you'd want what I want...
Sorry, my dear...
And where are the clowns?
Send in the clowns.

Don't bother, they're here.

Isn't it rich?
Isn't it queer?
Losing my timing this late in my career.

And where are the clowns?
There ought to be clowns...

Well, maybe next year.....

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Genesis 2:17

But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil,
thou shalt not eat of it:
for in the day that thou eatest thereof
thou shalt surely die.

Friday, September 12, 2008

dont let them see you cry,

Hard hearts are crashing in a crowded room.
the noise splits the air; Ringing, singing
i stand alone infront of the heart of my world
lights of purple and green and red flash across the floor
but all i can see is blue.
the moon shines pale across cold skin
as i look to my left and right
to one side i see the epidemy of how i want my life to be
and to the other stands a tall mirror,
i see nothing wrong with what is reflected back at me
until i see their faces turned behind me
and my heart sinks low, as i slowly drown again
this is not how its supposed to be
i am alone here, but i could never belong there
not with her, or him, or you
so where do you stand?
i would change in a heart beat if i could
turn my world completely upside down and inside out
but even if i did, the world i crave is still too far away
too beautiful, too smart, too talented
my hands could never touch, not even the surface

life is but a dream
and dreams are but life
allow me to wake up, and once again have life
leave this to my hopeless dreams

or my deepest nightmares.

Thursday, September 11, 2008


I'm casually obsessed
and ive forgiven death
i am indifferent yet, i am a total wreck
I'm every cliche,
but i simply do it best.

as its clear in the title of this entire blogspot, i consider myself nothing but a cliche.
because really thats all i am.
but then again arent we all?

by trying to break free from all your ignorance i find myself becoming the most foolish of all.
i play your game to get ahead but end up in last place.

I am nothing but colorful paint on a blank canvas
sloppily put together to be created into a masterpiece
the thoughts, hopes, and dreams of another
a waste of time and tape.

i went to sleep a poet,and i woke up a fake.
fluorecent lights shine on and reveal all
nothing can hide, so im seeing you for the first time
some things should be kept in the dark.

so this is it.
we are nowhere, and its now.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

hyper activity,

i noticed that i havent posted a blog in awhile
so here is a light hearted post!

my idols are most definatly Kat Von D and Pink
i just love them!
they're both super sexy, hardcore, and very talented.

thats what i want to be when im out on my own
so might as well learn from the best right?

today i thought alot about the future.
and honestly ive just not going to care.
i mean im 15.
right now im just worried about getting through highschool, going to college, and kicking some major ass in the music biz.
all the other stuff that comes along with life can wait.

im young, im cute, im smart, and i can get alittle crazy
and i plan on staying that way for awhile